can detect colon cancer early
- Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer killer
- More than 140,000 new cases are diagnosed each year”
- An average of 60,000 people dies annually from Colon Cancer in the United States”
- This Cancer affect s men and woman equally
- A Colonoscopy is the most effective prevention for Colon Cancer
- Colonoscopies can prevent cancer by removing pre-cancerous growths during the procedure
- If Colon cancer is detected early, your chance of survival exceeds 90%”
- People with an average-risk of Colorectal al Cancer need to begin screening at age 50
- People with a family history of Colorectal Cancer need to begin screening at age 40
- Symptoms of Colon Cancer are: blood in your stools or sudden weight loss – although many times there are no noticeable symptoms
- Colonoscopies are a low-risk procedure
- Colonoscopies are actually 15-45 minutes long and you are in the screening center for a total of just 2-3 hours